The bond between a mother and child is one of the most profound connections in human experience. Whether our mothers are with us or have passed on, their memories remain a constant source of strength, love, and comfort. In the Urdu language, the sentiment of missing a mother is beautifully captured through poetry and quotes that reflect the depth of this relationship. Here, we present some heart-touching Urdu quotes about missing mothers, along with their English translations.
Heartfelt “Miss You Maa” Quotes in Urdu with English Translations
1. میری ماں آج بھی ان پڑھ ہے
ایک روٹی مانگوں تو دو لے آتی ہے
My mother is still uneducated; if I ask for one piece of bread, she brings two.
This quote reflects a mother’s unconditional love and her instinct to provide more than asked, embodying a love that goes beyond words.
2. رہتے ہیں میرے ساتھ فرشتے دعاؤں میں
میں خوش نصیب ہوں میری ماں حیات ہے
Angels stay with me in the form of prayers; I am fortunate my mother is alive.
A mother’s prayers are like blessings that surround her children, guiding and protecting them even in her absence.
3. چلتی پھرتی ہوئی آنکھوں سے اذاں دیکھی ہے
میں نے جنت تو نہیں ماں دیکھی ہے
I’ve seen the call to prayer in the moving eyes of my mother; I haven’t seen paradise, but I’ve seen my mother.
This quote captures the belief that heaven lies at a mother’s feet. The essence of paradise is embodied in the warmth and love of a mother.
4. آج وہی اولاد ماں کو درد دیتی ہے
جس کے لئے ماں رات بھر دعائیں کرتی تھی
Today, the same children bring pain to the mother who used to stay up all night praying for them.
Reflecting a bittersweet truth, this quote reminds us that the pain of a mother is profound, especially when caused by her own children.
5. کبھی جنت کا میں سوچوں تو ماں تم یاد آتی ہو
محبت لفظ جو پڑھ لوں تو ماں تم یاد آتی ہو
Whenever I think of heaven, I remember you, mother; when I read the word ‘love,’ I remember you, mother.
For many, the concept of love is defined by the bond with their mother, and the idea of paradise becomes synonymous with her presence.
6. ماں کی محبت وہ گہرا سمندر ہے
جس کی گہرائی کوئی ناپ نہیں سکتا
A mother’s love is like a deep ocean whose depth can never be measured.
The infinite depth of a mother’s love is incomparable, just like the vastness of the ocean.
7. ماں کی آواز سکون دیتی ہے
چاہے وہ فون پر ہی کیوں نہ ہو
A mother’s voice brings peace, even if it’s just over the phone.
Hearing a mother’s voice provides a unique sense of comfort, no matter where we are.
8. خدا کے بعد جس نے مجھے پورا کیا
اہل جہاں سنو وہ میری ماں ہے
After God, the one who completed me is my mother. Listen, people of the world, she is my mother.
This quote honors the role of a mother as the one who fulfills her child’s life with love and care.
9. سات ارب مسکراہٹوں میں
مجھے پسند ہے مسکرانا ماں کا
Among seven billion smiles, the smile I love most is my mother’s.
A mother’s smile is the purest and most cherished sight for any child, bringing peace and joy beyond any worldly happiness.
10. سخت راتوں میں بھی آسان سفر لگتا ہے
یہ میری ماں کی دعاؤں کا اثر لگتا ہے
Even the toughest nights feel easier; this must be the effect of my mother’s prayers.
A mother’s prayers are like a shield, turning the hardest of times into manageable moments.
11. دنیا بھر کی راحتیں اپنی جگہ
لیکن ہائے وہ ماں کے پہلو میں بیٹھنا
The comforts of the world have their place, but nothing compares to sitting by my mother’s side.
This quote beautifully reflects how sitting with one’s mother surpasses all other pleasures in the world.
12. برتن مانجھ کر ماں دو چار بچے پال ہی لیتی ہے
مگر دو چار بچوں سے ایک ماں نہیں پالی جاتی
A mother can raise four children while washing dishes, but four children cannot take care of one mother.
This powerful statement highlights the sacrifices mothers make and how their efforts often go unmatched.
13. بھلا ماں کا بھی کوئی دن ہوتا ہے
ماں کے بغیر تو کوئی دن ہی نہیں ہوتا
Is there a specific day for mothers? Without a mother, no day feels complete.
Every day is Mother’s Day when you consider how much a mother does for her family.
14. میں ماں کو بتاتا ہوں پریشانیاں اپنی
وہ ماتھا چوم کر کہتی ہیں خدا خیر کرے گا
I tell my mother my worries, and she kisses my forehead, saying, ‘God will take care of it.’
A mother’s reassurance is like a soothing balm, reminding us that everything will be okay.
15. سونا سونا سا مجھے گھر لگتا ہے
جب ماں نہیں ہوتی مجھے ڈر لگتا ہے
The house feels empty when mother isn’t around, and I feel scared.
The presence of a mother brings warmth to a home, making it a place of comfort and safety.
Additional Quotes to Express “Miss You Maa” Sentiments
To make this collection more meaningful, here are some additional quotes that capture the essence of a mother’s love and the feeling of missing her.
“ماں کے بغیر گھر ویران لگتا ہے، چاہے کتنے ہی لوگ موجود ہوں.”
Without mother, the house feels deserted, no matter how many people are around.
“زندگی کی مشکلات تو میری ماں نے اپنے ہاتھوں سے مجھ سے دور کیں، جب تک وہ تھی، میری دنیا میں پریشانی کا نام بھی نہیں تھا.”
My mother cleared all of life’s troubles with her own hands; as long as she was there, worries did not exist in my world.
“میری ماں کا چہرہ وہ آئینہ ہے جس میں میں اپنی پوری زندگی کو دیکھ سکتا ہوں.”
My mother’s face is the mirror in which I can see my whole life.
Reflections on Missing a Mother
The yearning to feel a mother’s love again often brings back precious memories—moments that remind us of her care, kindness, and countless sacrifices. Whether you find yourself missing her voice, her smile, or her comforting presence, these quotes in Urdu and their English translations serve as a reminder that a mother’s love is eternal. For those who have lost their mothers, these words offer solace and a way to keep her memory alive.
The bond with a mother is unbreakable, a connection that transcends time and space. Missing her is a natural response, and these heartfelt quotes help to capture that longing. As we remember our mothers, let us cherish their love and carry forward their legacy of kindness and compassion in our own lives.